Want to make more money
in your hypnosis practice
and start working with athletes…

 ...but don’t know where to start?

The Gold Medal Sports Hypnosis Certification lets you take advantage of my 17 years as a hypnotherapist for athletes,
so that you too can have a thriving practice, book out weeks in advance, and work with clients that are motivated
and committed to their goals as you help them reach their peak performance.
Dear Hypnotherapist,

If your hypnosis practice is struggling and needs more clients; and you’re looking to attract more athletes
so you can have higher and more reliable income, please read every word of this page.

By not harnessing the immense wealth that’s in the sports niche, you are losing out
on possibly the biggest business opportunity that exists within the hypnosis industry.

I personally tapped into this goldmine and built a highly successful hypnotherapy practice
helping athletes from all levels to reach their peak performance and unlock their potential.

Best of all, you don't need complex marketing campaigns or expensive software to make it work.

This process has the potential to create 10-15 clients each and every week for your business
WITHOUT investing any money in advertising…

...and with unique mental training methods tailored for athletes, they’ll get results almost instantly,
come back again and again, and they’ll send you an endless amount of referrals.

 I realized I wanted to go all in and help other athletes do the same.

But, there are hundreds of thousands of athletes and I’m not able to help all athletes on my own.

If I empower you to do that, you’ll be empowering athletes in your practice and you will help them become better than they ever thought possible.

This is my mission in my life, and I want to make the world a better place because of it. 

Just look at what Jesse said after attending one of my live workshops in 2020:
“Whether you are new to hypnosis or you are a seasoned hypnotherapist, there are a few things required to stand out and succeed in this business.

The first one is confidence in your skills, the ability to create change, and then a product that people see value in and want to pay for.

I spent years attending training after training and still found myself struggling with creating a niche that included everything this course lays out in a simple 1,2,3, A to Z platform.

This course shows you how to produce results for your business and for your clients.
This all in one program provides the big picture,
the structure to follow, and step by step instruction.”


You could be experiencing results like Jesse. 

You could have a successful hypnotherapy practice like I do... 

One that doesn't require you to go looking for new clients or even spend money on marketing.

One that allows you to go to bed every night knowing you have more than enough income to live comfortably…

Best of all... One that feels good, because your clients are getting outstanding results.

By not having this expertise in your practice RIGHT NOW, you are losing money, impact, and peace of mind.

You know your ultimate goal is to have
a hypnotherapy practice

"Where do I find prospects who know about the power of hypnosis, 
respect it as a solution, need it enough, 
AND have money to pay for it?"

It may feel like an impossible task,
but I found the needle in the haystack
and I'll tell you more about that in a moment, but first...

How Many Times Have You Experienced This

Frustration because it feels like you’re always spinning your wheels,
but your practice never takes off the way you want it to.
Disappointed that you've put in so much effort to grow your practice
and yet, you still can’t have the income, impact, or lifestyle you want.
FEARful because hypnosis is what you feel called to do, but
you don’t know where to start to make it a full-time living.

CONFUSED about how to explain hypnosis to people in a world
that considers it a "pseudoscience" when you know it's so much more!

If you continue allowing these feelings and thoughts to hold you back,
you will only lose MORE time, more clients, and more impact.

You won’t be able to help yourself, let alone help anyone make real changes in THEIR lives.

You’ll sit on the sidelines while a select group of hypnotherapists
are tapping into one of the most profitable niches in the industry,
and creating prosperity where there used to be scarcity
- while this person should be you.

My question is: Why not YOU and why not NOW?

most hypnotherapists FEEL
they are struggling because 
gaining credibility in this profession 
is 'impossible'.

I've heard it from hypnotherapists time and time again...

"My biggest obstacle is getting people to believe it's worth it
and that I can create massive change for them. They think
our profession is another therapy that doesn’t work or are afraid of hypnosis."

You’ve seen lives change dramatically through hypnosis.
You've likely experienced your own transformation through hypnosis.
You've witnessed it with your eyes.

Yet, sometimes, convincing someone this works can feel like pulling teeth.

That MUST be why your business isn't getting the moment you want, right?


The Real Reason Why Hypnotherapists Struggle...

One of my good friends is a doctor. Well, not just any doctor. He's a heart specialist.

One day he and I were talking and after mentioning how busy he was - his schedule was booked solid for months in advance.

You see... His colleagues were also doctors, but they were generalists.

Of course, generalists have a mile wide range of knowledge, but that knowledge only goes an inch deep.

When there’s a specific problem that someone urgently needs solved and they're looking for the best-of-the-best,
people look for the specialists. Best of all, they're willing to pay for their specialized knowledge and experience.

This is at the heart of why hypnotherapists struggle.

Most hypnotherapists are, well, exactly that... "Just" hypnotherapists.

So how do you position yourself as a specialist within this industry?

I'll answer that question in a minute, but first...
 My name is  Caryn Bird.
I’m not just a hypnotherapist anymore, but when I opened my practice in 2004, I was as general as they come.

I believed that I should be helping all kinds of people, 
so I kept marketing to, well, EVERYONE!

I helped corporate clients and entrepreneurs.
I helped people stop smoking.
I helped anyone and everyone who was willing to pay.

The practice had some cash flow, but it was by no means sustainable or thriving. 

That was fine with me for a while. After all, I was only doing this part time, because I wanted to balance work with time for my husband, three boys and foster children. 

Then, 7 years ago, I decided I was ready to help as many people as I could and create a significant income. My boys were grown up. It was time for me to go full-time in my practice and make my mark in the world.

But how?
One thing I knew for sure was that being a generalist just wasn't going to cut it anymore. 

But I also knew that not all niches are created equal. Some would be more lucrative than others. Some would be more familiar wtih hypnosis than others. Some would require more persuasion to trust the effectiveness than others. 

I wanted to specialize in an area filled with people who knew about hypnotherapy, respected it as a solution, needed it, and had the money to pay for it.

I needed to find the needle in the haystack.

That's when I remembered something my husband had told me many years before.

You see... He’s a former wrestler and now wrestling coach. He told me he worked with a hypnotist in college AND he said it worked wonders for him.

On top of that, my oldest son was an elite athlete and had earned a scholarship to college because of his championship wrestling ability, along with State and National Titles.

Watching his unstoppable mindset and championship attitude, suddenly the answer was a no-brainer and I knew I'd discovered a goldmine:


Athletes have easily been my most profitable group of clients AND they are incredible clients.

They are always ready with their goals in hand, eager to get in to see me, do as they are told, and they are constantly bragging about the results they get.

Working With Athletes is The Most Lucrative NichE You Will Find In Hypnotherapy

Since I niched my practice and began specializing in serving athletes to improve performance, here’s what happened:
  • I became known for being THE hypnotherapist for athletes, which led to clients being naturally predisposed to working with me.
  • I was able to charge higher prices because I had become a specialist, which meant I was able to make more and work less.
  • Almost every athlete I worked with knew someone else wanting to improve their performance, which meant a constant source of referrals (quick secret: every athlete wants to improve their performance, even if they’re an Olympic gold medalist).
  • Family, friends and their coaches were so impressed with the results, they wanted others to know and told them of their success. This made my work much easier AND more effective!
And best of all, because of the nature of athletes, they were always working through the same basic challenges. This meant I could systematize my process and fine-tune my method for serving my clients. 

90% of the time athletes came in for one of these reasons:
  • Self-doubt and negative self-talk
  • Performance anxiety
  • Too much pressure in difficult situations and no more joy in playing their sport
  • Mental blocks in certain skills (this is a common one with gymnasts and baseball players)
 After years of working successfully with athletes and building a massively successful hypnotherapy practice within that specialty, I started asking myself how I could share my knowledge and processes with other hypnotherapists?

I saw it as a natural next step in the expansion of my impact on the world.

It's a win-win-win.

-Athletes have more hypnotherapists dedicated to help them get better at their sports. 

-Hypnotherapists make more money and have more successful practices because of it.

-I move my mission and message throughout the world.

That's good news for you… Because it means you get to legally swipe my frameworks, processes, and materials to use as your own, making the process of building your business and breaking into this lucrative niche super easy!

WHEN YOU Try To Figure Out Every Single Detail From Scratch,
you lose Too Much Time Due To Trial And Error, 
you lose Your Confidence as a Hypnotherapist 
- you Delay Your Results (if you ever get them at all)!

What would it mean for you to be able to just swipe a proven method and virtually use it as your own
to start working with athletes and earning more money RIGHT NOW?

Imagine Yourself as... 
a Certified Gold Medal Sports Hypnotist 
In 30 Days or Less…

no longer StrugglING With...


What if you could...
  • Be recognized as a go-to specialist for helping athletes improve their performance and be seen by your clients as the only solution for them.
  • Have the ability to charge higher prices, which will allow you to work less, make more, and start enjoying your life.
  • Get better referrals with more ease because athletes are great clients that are committed to getting results, and once they get them, thanks to you, they’ll tell all of their friends and teammates, which will generate an endless stream of referrals.
  • Have a full schedule weeks or even months in advance thanks to the new influx of clients you’ll get once you become known as the hypnotist that helps athletes improve their performance.
The great news is...You Absolutely CAN!

The Gold Medal SPORTS Hypnosis Certification

THE GOLD MEDAL SPORTS HYPNOSIS CERTIFICATION lets you take advantage of my 17+ years 
as a hypnotist for athletes, so that you too can have a thriving practice, book out weeks in advance, 
and work with clients that are motivated and committed to reaching their performance goals.


(Value $97)

Listen while I share what brings results with athletes in just 4 sessions and some of the exact strategies I use.

3 Key Places TO Find high-performing CLIENTS
(VALUE: $47.00)

As you know by now, working with athletes is what’s going to get your practice to the level and give you the financial comfort you want.

That's why the first thing you need to know is where they are, what motivates them to buy, and what you need to do to get them as clients.

I'll show you my process for getting your first few clients. 

Then, once word gets around that you help athletes improve their performance, the referrals will start coming in FAST!

Every Athlete and High Performer 
(VALUE: $97.00)

I’ll show you how to create a personalized script, and how to structure yours so your athletes can improve their performance in record time. This offers the exact script to write the hypnosis session that is perfect for each individual athlete, whether or not you know anything about their sport (or sports at all)!
This technique helps high performers break through what is holding them back and teaches a skill that is worth gold.

This is the secret to helping athletes see results immediately after the first session.  

And, ensure you business is profitable because every successful athlete will bring more clients your way...

USING THE Pre-Talk to CREATE change 
without even using hypnosis! 
(VALUE: $47.00)

The Pre-Talk is vitally important in the success of our sessions. This is when you want to share the 5 Tools To Get the Mental Edge with your clients as a key method for getting them results even before the hypnosis begins!

Because we know... A successful client is a client who refers! PLUS, it just feels good knowing your athletes see results after the first session!

THE "how and why hypnosis works for sports" audio that you can use with your athletic clients!
(VALUE: $97.00)

Being able to nail this will ensure that your client is ready to change their self-doubt into belief.  


It’s Packed With Everything You Need 
To Become A LEADING Hypnotherapist for Athletes

And as you’ll see, this isn’t some over complicated course that is impossible to put into practice.

You’re getting a certification that’s easy to implement and quick to give you results.

But to make it EVEN EASIER, I'm also going to give you these bonus resources...

3 training videos INCLUDING "Top tips: the key sessions for athletes" and "retaining clients to ensure repeat sessions"(VALUE: $197.00)

Learn top tips and strategies from leaders in the Sports Hypnosis field with these two informative and engaging training sessions.  

(VALUE $97.00)

Once you complete the exam showing that you’ve absorbed and implemented all of the training, I’ll send you a certification badge so that you can show all your clients that you know your stuff inside and out. 

(VALUE $97.00)

Once you are certified, you will be legally allowed by me and my organization to call yourself a "Certified Gold Metal Sports Hypnotist." This will skyrocket your credibility and authority, ensuring your prospects trust that you can get the job done and understand their unique needs.

Check Out Everything You’ll Get When
You Take This Certification

  • 3 Key Places To Find Athletes (VALUE: $47.00)
  • What To Do In Your First Session With EVERY Athlete And High Performer To Get Them Results FAST (Value: $97.00)
  • Using Pre-Talk To Create Change Without Even Using Hypnosis (VALUE: $47.00)
  • The "How and Why Hypnosis Works for Sports" Audio That You Can Use With Your Athletic Clients! (VALUE: $97.00)
  • Three Training Videos on "Top Tips: The Key Sessions for Athletes" and "Retaining Clients to Ensure Repeat sessions"! (VALUE: $197.00)
  • License To Use The Designation "Certified Gold Metal Sports Hypnotist" Certification Badge (VALUE: $97.00)

That's A total value of $522.00

Get Today For Just $97 (SAVE $425.00)

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Expect From Fully Participating In This Certification?

The days of waiting for the phone to ring in your office, of hoping your schedule won’t be empty for next week are over.

You’ll know exactly how to get new clients to your door because you’ll be the specialist helping athletes reach peak levels of performance, and they’ll love you for it.


You DO NOT have to be an athlete or former athlete to niche in this area.

You, the hypnotherapist, are the mindset trainer and you teach the athlete how to “manage their mind.” 

The athlete is the only one that needs to know about the ins-and-outs of their sport.

Who is this for?

Any hypnotist or hypnotherapist, new or seasoned, who wants to have a practice that creates significant income AND the freedom to have a life that's easy.

If you’re tired or burnt out working with all the emotional clients and want to work with the easiest, most motivated, goal-driven population out there…

...you’re going to love this certification.

Once I’m Certified, What Kind Of strategies Will I be using with My clients?

You will offer Mindset Training using hypnosis to solidify the results, create the blueprint of the “perfect game”, and help your client get “in the zone” as they turn their self-doubt into belief.

Why Should I Trust You To Certify Me?

I know you might feel the internet is full of experts trying to sell you the latest money method scheme. I’m not a professional internet marketer, nor have I ever attempted to be one.

Instead, I have a thriving hypnosis practice. I was able to work part-time when I was starting so I could be with my family, and still create a good income and when I decided to switch to full time, my schedule was booked out weeks in advance.

I’ve been able to enjoy the abundance and prosperity that comes from working directly with athletes, and for the past 4 years I’ve been helping other hypnotherapists do the same.

Why Are You Doing This And Not Keeping It To Yourself?

Because I’m on a mission.

My oldest son Josh was a two-time State Champion wrestler in high school, multi-time National Champion, on the Future Olympians Top Three, and earned a full scholarship to college because of it.

Throughout his training and competitions, he displayed levels of mental toughness and an ability to surmount challenges that I thought were beyond human.

During the semi-finals at the State Tournament, he broke his thumb and he still went to his final round and won. That’s how unbelievably tough he was.

I learned his mental tricks and techniques as I often asked him what he did to be so tough. And, I get to take the credit that I was his personal sports hypnotist and helped him achieve his goals.

That is when I realized I wanted to go all in and help other athletes do the same.

But, there are hundreds of thousands of athletes and I’m not able to help all athletes on my own.

If I empower you to do that, you’ll be empowering athletes in your practice and you will help them become better than they ever thought possible.

This is my mission in my life, and I want to make the world a better place because of it.

Final question: Which would you rather do?

A) Spend $97 on a night out?


B) Have your hypnosis practice transformed, so you can make more, work less, and work with a group of people eager to pay you in full at the start and keep coming back season after season?

If You Answered B, Then 
The Gold Medal sports Hypnosis Certification
is Perfect For You!

Check Out Everything You’ll Get When
You Take This Certification

  • 3 Key Places To Find Athletes (VALUE: $47.00)
  • What To Do In Your First Session With EVERY Athlete And High Performer To Get Them Results FAST (Value: $97.00)
  • Using Pre-Talk To Create Change Without Even Using Hypnosis (VALUE: $47.00)
  • The "How and Why Hypnosis Works for Sports" Audio That You Can Use With Your Athletic Clients! (VALUE: $97.00)
  • Three Teaching Videos on "Top Tips: The Key Sessions for Athletes" and "Retaining Clients to Ensure Repeat sessions"! (VALUE: $197.00
  • License To Use The Designation "Certified Gold Metal Sports Hypnotist" Certification Badge (VALUE: $97.00)

That's A total value of $522.00

Get Today For Just $97 (SAVE $425.00)
My #1 Goal Is For You To Be Able To Have A New And Transformed Practice That You Can Be Proud Of!

That’s Why You’ll Also Receive My Special One-Of-A-Kind Guarantee...

HERE'S My promise to you:

If you go through the whole certification, put it to use, and your practice doesn’t look different after 6 months, I will personally hop on a call with you and remove the blocks that may be standing in your way so you can have the results I’m promising you.

That means there's ZERO risk and ZERO excuses not to start today.
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